Sunday, March 10, 2013

Keys to victory for JMU

   I'm gonna tell you what it's gonna take for JMU to do something they haven't done since 1997, which is play in the Richmond Coliseum on a Monday the finals of the CAA tournament.

   Free Throw shooting- for crying out loud, 9-18 from the stripe. They're called flipping freebies for a freaking reason. It's absolutely inexcusable. I don't care that they won, the Dukes gave up 9 free points last night and there is no excuse for that when you factor in that it's March and you have a chance to get invited to Sadie Hawkins. Put the damn ball in the basket and thank the other team for free points.

A.J. Davis- yes one player will be key. I expect him to start again this afternoon, but he'll need to get going early and often for the Dukes. His offense AND defense is a must.

Defensive rebounding- JMU is not a big team, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. What about the big white guy? Yeah, Gene Swindle, he doesn't play much. What about the guy the W&M band referred to as 'Fresh Prince'? Enoch Hood, yeah he doesn't have the strength to compete down low especially when I drop the name Jamelle Haggins on you. Bessick can hold some weight, but he's a freshman and that lack of experience does factor in. So we're left with Rayshawn Goins, a 6-6, 275 senior that plays the five spot. Brady has not been very pleased with Goins' defensive play this season, but last night big Ray earned my vote for MVP. He dropped 13 second half points, eight of which came during the Dukes' crucial 17-2 run. Goins also grabbed four offensive boards that were beyond pivotal. In order for JMU to compete today, they'll need to bump and grind up on Haggins/Josh Brinkley like it's a Miami night club.

Shot selection/patience- by far the biggest key in my opinion. Last time these teams met in Newark, JMU got down early, but was unusually patient in their comeback. This approach will be pertinent this afternoon. There may be points when the Dukes find themselves down seven, eight, maybe nine points. They cannot let this faze them because frustration is something any team can smell like prey in the wild. Brady will need to keep his squad calm, especially someone like Andre Nation. The freshman defensive star fouled out last night and his fifth was a technical after taunting Tribe guard, Matt Rum after a layup in the lane. Nation is a very raw and emotional player, but the Dukes will need him to play and keep cool under pressure. Delaware's Devon Saddler gets under many players skin with his brash ways. He could easily piss someone like Nation off. It's hard for Saddler not to get under your skin. I've watched him for some time now. Staying calm will be key for JMU.

   Not to pat myself on the back or anything of that nature, but I've been saying it all year that this team can make it to Monday, even win there, but they'll need to execute.

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