Thursday, March 21, 2013

**Stay** Wearing Purple JMU Nation

   The past two weeks have been definitely something to be part of on the JMU campus. There is a buzz and it's not stemming from Bridgeforth. This buzz roars through Duke Dawg Alley and into the Convocation Center. It's JMU basketball's time to shine. Bring back the 'Electric Zoo.'

   Fans, students, alumni, and the community have rallied behind this basketball team and just in the right time. As JMU entered the CAA tournament two weekends ago, there was a good output of fans and students that came to support their Dukes in the opening round against William & Mary. Well, they won that. Now they advanced to Sunday and more purple began seep from the old Richmond Coliseum seats as JMU took on Delaware on semi-final Sunday.

Fans rush the court in Richmond
   Then came Monday. I do not know what happened, but something clicked. Just as A.J. Davis said something clicked for him mid-season to become a team player, something clicked with JMU students. They finally realized that they had a successful basketball team. 

   "They definitely embraced us this year," Devon Moore said. "Knowing that we were having a great season, but just these last couple weeks have been great."

In under 12 hours, eight Student Duke Club buses were filled with over 400 students traveling to Richmond for Monday's championship bout with Northeastern. Over 6,000 fans showed up on Monday night, 5500 plus pulling for the Dukes.

   "It definitely was amazing to see how the students at JMU support their athletic teams," 2012 graduate and current Baltimore Raven D.J. Bryant said. "Through all the ups and downs the basketball team put us through over the past couple of years, they still have supported them and came out to the Coliseum to help paint the sea purple."

   Students took to the social media world to compare Monday's atmosphere to a home game inside the Convo. Look here. At no point in any recent history has the Convocation Center been that loud and raucous over a men's basketball game. The Coliseum, while half full was bumpin'. Curt Dudley, color commentator for the Dukes said he even had some trouble hearing play-by-play legend, Mike Schikman at times Monday night.

   Days after winning the CAA tournament, Moore walked into class and the whole room erupted in cheering. This is what college sports is all about.

"It's a great feeling knowing you go your school behind you," Moore said. "I'm definitely grateful for JMU Nation and the people that take the time to come watch us play."
   These guys were already known around campus, but now they're idols.

   "Walking around campus, they already knew who you was," Moore said. "But just seeing all the support from JMU Nation. And when we won the CAA championship, we had 15 buses come down there.

   Harrisonburg is officially on the map.

   "It's history man," Rayshawn Goins said. "A lot of them guys that attend James Madison University, they're just glad they're part of history. It's been 19 years since JMU has been the the NCAA tournament. It's a blessing man."

   The pep band, who played all three nights in the Coliseum also traveled to Dayton for this week's games.

   "JMU Nation, they're the best, man," Goins said. "Shout our to our pep band. They travel. They're loud all the time. Without are fans, it wouldn't be possible. We thank JMU Nation."

   The Dukes will need tremendous support from JMU Nation tomorrow as they attempt to do what no one before them could. 


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